
nha trang中文是什么意思

  • 芽庄市



  • 例句与用法
  • On our way south , we stopped over in nha trang to distribute gifts to vo hong , a writer who made his name by writing a series of long and short novels befor 1975 - la boi , an tiem , van , thoi moi . .
  • Behind us is nha trang no 88 - 90 , a simple but marvellous little place for vietnamese noodles and other snacks . william pops in to pick up a stack of free postcards . we turn the corner into lyndhurst terrace and we are nearing the end of our tour , both literally and metaphorically , for we are about equidistant from the illustrious entertainment area of lan kwai fong , and the newer soho neighbourhood , its narrow streets lined with funky restaurants and bars
  • Among the areas visited were quang ngai , duc pho , pho thuan , pho an , pho ninh , pho vinh , pho cuong , quang tri , quang nam , son ha , nha trang , cam ranh , phan rang , qui nhon , tuy hoa , and duc pho hospital . the initiates reached out to hundreds of families whose lives had been destroyed by the raging floods
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